Tomb Raider HUB | Tomb Raider: Anniversary MODDING - Costumes (2025)

Tomb Raider: Anniversasry - MODDING, Costumes, Textures

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With just an easy to use program you can edit Lara's outfits and create a variation of an existed outfit or a new one from scratch. You cannot stop here, as you can also edit Lara's face and gear. Lastly, you can modify a level's textures and create a new place for Lara to raid.

Tomb Raider HUB | Tomb Raider: Anniversary MODDING - Costumes (2)

What do I need?

There are two programs you can choose from: Tomb Ripper or TexMod. Below is a list of what you need for each program. There are also two tutorials for each program: one for the builders and one for the players.

Tomb Ripper

Tomb Ripper (v1.1b) by Racer_S (33Kb)

DDS Plug-In for Photoshop

Tomb Ripper is the program that extracts the DDS files (from Legend) and replaces them after editing. The Plug-In is essential for Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro to recognize the DDS file.

Tomb Raider HUB | Tomb Raider: Anniversary MODDING - Costumes (3)

Tutorial - Learn how to use the program with a tutorial. This section also includes the common problems that you may encounter (written by shimodax).

(Note: The above link leads to Legend tutorial, but the method is exactly the same.)

Running the outfits (under construction) - If you want to use an outfit, check this guidance. You need Tomb Ripper, so download it from the link above. You do not need Photoshop or the DDS Plug-In, but there are a couple of times that are useful. You can read more details in the tutorial.


TexMod by RS (590KB)

TexMod is the program that extracts the necessary files from the game (in TGA, BMP, JPG, PNG, DDS etc format) and uses them after editing. This program gives you the option to preview the textures in the game before extracting.

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Tutorial - Learn how to use the program with a tutorial (written by Lee). French version also included.

Running the outfits - If you want to run an outfit, check this guidance. You need TexMod, so download it from the link above.

(Note: The above links lead to Legend tutorials, but the methods are exactly the same.)

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the un-edited (original) .BIG files or the outfit will not show (whether you are a buider or just a player*). For example, if you have used Tomb Ripper and replaced Anniversary, you need to restore the original .BIG file before using TexMod (if the outfit is based on Anniversary).

* thanks to thompa89 and Yatu for the note.

Tomb Raider HUB | Tomb Raider: Anniversary MODDING - Costumes (5)
Converting your DDS files to TPF - If you want to convert your DDS files to a single TPF, you can follow the instructions here (written by Akhenaton).

Which program should I use?

This is really up to you. Here are a few notes about both programs, which might help you.

Tomb Ripper was the first to be found. Racer_S gave us the opportunity to mod(ify) all available textures from Legend (and it works for Anniversary too). This program "reads" the .BIG files (that can be found in the Legend folder) and extracts the textures in DDS format. If your paint program does not support this format, you must download the Plug-In. After editing the textures, you need to replace the DDS files. Then, Tomb Ripper replaces the .BIG files, so you can view the changes in the game. As a result, you need to create backups of the original DDS files, in case you want to return back to the original appearance of the textures. As you can probably understand, this procedure is quite troublesome.

TexMod was introduced later. We do not know if it was created before Tomb Ripper, but we learned about it later. RS made this program which again "reads" the .BIG files. In this case, when you extract the texture you can choose between various formats (TGA, BMP, JPG, PNG etc). Whichever paint program you have, it definitely supports one of them. Moreover, the textures are placed in a special folder and you do not need to replace anything, making the task easier to complete.

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(Note: There is no Bikini outfit in Anniversary, however some people have tried to create it by editing one of the given outfits. This section includes outfits that look like swimsuits.)

Merci beaucoup to Alex Fly and Ward Dragon who took tons of screenshots for previews. I couldn't do it without you, girls!

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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